IGSF congratulations with International women’s day all female kettlebell lifters!
International Women’s Day – a time to reflect on progress made, to call for changes in the sport and celebrate the true manifestation of determination, strength and perseverance on the part of ordinary women who have become champions, who played a crucial role in the history of the development of kettlebell sport in their countries.
IKSF Israel open championship Kettlebell Lifting 16-17 of March 2017
We are very proud to be hosting of 2017 IKSF Open Israel Kettlebell Championship, March 16-17, here in Rehovot, Israel. FTR functional training revolution, Shimon Dubnov 47 st’. Rehovot Israel.
Anti-doping control passed in World Championship in Italy
Attention!!! During the World Championship in Italy was Anti-Doping test. Sampling was carried out Anti-doping Slovenian Association (SloADA). Analysis of samples was carried out Austrian laboratory. As a result, the analysis has not been identified prohibited substance. All results will be stored in ADAMS. President IGSF Yuri Shcherbina